A downloadable game

Title: Echo Remnant

Genre: Action-Stealth

Brief Description:
"Echo-Remnant" is an adrenaline-pumping, room escape experience where players must outsmart a relentless robot Echo to break free from a series of challenging chambers. Evade the Echo's pursuit, and use your wits to unlock each room's secrets. With heart-pounding tension and strategic gameplay, can you outmaneuver the Echo and secure your escape, or will you become a haunting remnant within these walls? Experience the thrill of evasion and intellect in this gripping room escape adventure.

Platform: Windows

Development Team: Echonova
Team Member :
 I Made Debrio Amarta (Level Design )
 Kenan Firmansyah (Programmer)

Download Now !!!


Echo_Remnant.exe 141 kB

Install instructions

Download Github Release Zip File
Link: https://github.com/Kenanfir/Echo_Remnant/releases/tag/Action-Stealth
Extract Zip File
Run Echo_Remnant.exe

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